Posts tagged city pop
Beginner's Guide to Understanding City Pop: Part I

City Pop. It’s a contentious term at times. What does it really mean? Why should you care? Do you have to know Japanese to really enjoy it? These are all questions that merit at least some entertaining, and entertaining they shall receive. There is a rich cultural history to the music that is still being charted and put together by people in both Japan and overseas. The complete picture is something that is being explored on many levels and is still evolving even today.

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Van Paugamcity pop
Why is City Pop Nostalgic?

City Pop is a nostalgic genre of music for many people in the West for several reasons. Firstly, City Pop was popular in Japan during the late 1970s to the mid-1980s, a time when Japan was experiencing a period of rapid economic growth and cultural expansion. This era is often referred to as the "Bubble Economy" in Japan and is remembered as a time of great optimism and prosperity.

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